mechelen by bike
Mechelen is a bike-friendly city and we make good use of that. We map out flat routes so you can comfortably explore the city.

For whom?
In which theme?
How long?

- Duration: 1h - 1,5h - 2h
Murals in Mechelen
Discover the colorific splendor of murals in the street of Mechelen. Renowned street artists from around the globe at their best.
A city guide from Mechelen initiates you in the secrets of street art, graffiti and tags. Join our journey along less explored paths and hidden gems and get surprised by the artists’ craftsmanship.

- Duration: 1h - 1,5h - 2h - 3h
Art on the go
The many churches, city palaces and museums, you can’t avoid seeing them. But try to turn your eyes to the space between them, to classical and contemporary statues, impressive murals or artistic details. Nothing is there by coincidence. There is always a compelling story to tell. There is always a connection with the location and the city’s history and its fascinating inhabitants.
A city guide from Mechelen takes you along an artistic route for a fascinating journey straight through the classical routes and brings you to amazing spots in the inner city unknown to most visitors (and even to inhabitants from Mechelen!).

- Duration: 1h - 1,5h - 2h
Cycling along the city walls
Jump on your bike and discover with a city guide the changes that the city walls went through in 750 years. One thing is for sure: they are still in the same place? So what has changed? Is there still anything of the city walls we can see? How many citygates did Mechelen have? Are they still there? Is there a pedestrian boulevard? When did cars arrive in the city and what about the future?
You may expect answers to these questions during this cycling tour.
Zit je met een vraag?
Wil je weten hoe je kunt reserveren, of hoe lang op voorhand, hoeveel deelnemers er mee kunnen, hoe je de gids herkent of welke talen de Stadsgidsen Mechelen spreken?
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